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Chiquita Woolfolk Banks, Esq.

Sr. Vice President


Chiquita Woolfolk Banks, Esq. Sr. Vice President, TPC

What She Does

Chiquita is a jack of all trades so she wears multiple hats including (i) guiding TPC’s production incentive Advisory & Administration Team with a specific focus on international jurisdictions, (ii) finding new storytellers to help fund their projects, and (iii) connecting Film/TV projects (whether big studio or indie projects) with TPC’s brokerage arm for the sale of multistate incentives.

Who She Is

Born and raised in Chicago with its thriving production community, Chiquita always loved the power that is storytelling but she doesn't have a creative bone in her body (most attorneys don't!). So when she went away to Florida A&M University (FAMU), it was a no-brainer that she was destined for business school and specifically accounting/finance. After graduation, Chiquita took her MBA and ran off to Ernst & Young as a Tax Consultant. But since she’s a glutton for punishment, she decided to increase her debt-to-income ratio and decided to attend law school at Georgia State University College of Law. BEST. DECISION. EVER.

Chiquita graduated law school in 2009 in the same year that Georgia overhauled its Film Tax Credit and the State quickly became thee destination for new Film/TV projects. Being on the ground in those early days at Bennett Thrasher LLP, Chiquita was able to build her client base to include household names such as Warner Bros., Viacom/BET, CBS, Disney, Fox, AMC and other large independent production companies. Because of her focus on client service and dedication to getting the job done, she was hired as in-house Tax Counsel at Viacom in New York and eventually moved to Disney/Fox in Los Angeles.

Recently joining TPC has allowed Chiquita the chance to leverage upon her vast rolodex (#TBT) to offer world class film finance services to today's content creators and to share her passion for tax with the world.

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Chiquita Woolfolk Banks, Esq.
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